Operating since 1992, Erda Ltd. is a privately-owned software company developing software solutions for geographical information systems. We boast a broad customer range: from UNESCO to small municipalities, there is hardly an area where we haven't developed groundbreaking and cost-effective solutions.
Basically, we use one of the most popular Bentley software engine (same name as luxury car) as a rock-solid foundation for the final solution, which is developed according to the client's requirements. The software engine provides safety, and the tailored software ensures a cost-conscious final budget - you pay for the engine and the application which suits you. Others give you everything you may need - we give you what YOU need with the possibility of added features. You pay for what you need.
Web publication of DTTTA - Debrecen
This is an ErdaGis system made for the database of the DTTTA (GSSHDCD) - Reconstruction of the Geo-social Structure of Debrecen City in 1870-72 project.
Project duration: 01-05-2010 - 30-06-2013
Lead researcher: Dr. János Mazsu, University of Debrecen (Debreceni Egyetem)
Joined the research: Dr. István Orosz and Péter Forisek University of Debrecen (Debreceni Egyetem)
External expert members of the program:
József Papp Microfilm library of DMJV; György Csáki and Norbert Vásárhelyi Erda Ltd.