GIS of the Jewish cemetery in Debrecen

The web GIS system of the Jewish Cemetery in Debrecen has been completed.
The system can be accessed by clicking on the link in an external window:
The Debrecen Jewish Cemetery GIS database and search engine
Made within the framework of the TOP-7.1.1-16-6-H-ERFA-2020-00700 “Cívis Militárium Mobile App - Jewish Cemetery” tender, with the support of the Jewish Community of Debrecen.
Project Manager: Életminőség foundation
Manager: Károly Stercel
Professional coordinator: Őrváros Publix foundation
Professional leader: Dr. János Mazsu
Cemetery database: István Zámbori
Cemetery and local history expert: József Papp
IT development, cemetery map and design: ERDA KFT
Download the cemetery mobile app in the GooglePlay store!
Copyright © Életminőség foundation, Debrecen 2021