Supporting the recording and ordering of surface treatment of boilers at DE Rt.
GIS system supporting the recording and ordering of surface treatment of boilers 670 t/h at Dunamenti Erômû Rt. (i.e. Dunamenti Power Station Plc.) Owing to the outdoor location of the six boilers, the corrosion protection of their steel structures imposes great challenge on the Maintenance and Quality Control Department of the power station. Due to the high costs, scheduling surface treatment and planning its material and time costs requires highly accurate information on the size of the surfaces that need to be treated. Over the years there have formed the actual stages and scheduling of surface treatment tasks but accurate, documented and consistent data concerning the size of the surfaces have not been available. There have been only estimated data derived from scarce surveys that surface treatment orders were based on. Therefore, it seemed reasonable to use the basic steel structure plans and to survey on spot the boiler parts that are treated separately in corrosion protection, to record the objects together with their characteristic data (section type, size, quantity) and to digitalize the characteristic ground-plans and view-plans and to integrate them in a unified GIS system which stores graphic elements in AutoCAD and description data in MS Access database, and which can be accessed by experts via the local network of the power station. It was essential that the GIS database provide authentic data and that this authenticity be unanimously represented by the whole database.
Strategic objectives of the project:
The technically correct and authentically documented survey of the surfaces of the boilers to be coated. As for each boiler, the ready GIS database should support tendering for surface protection projects, contracting as well as the recording of the work done. The latter data concerning each field are to be stored in a user database. These data are as follows:
- date of painting
- contractor
- coating system
- expiry date of warranty
- name of technical controller
By its georeference points, the completed application should be linked up with the base map of the power station and complement it concerning the given field.
- date of painting
Company funding the project
Tractebel Power & Gas Magyarország Kft.
its legal successor: Electrabel Magyarország Kft. - Aimed audience. Potential users.
Dunamenti Erômû Rt.
Maintenance and Quality Control Department -
The methods and solutions used in the project. Results.
The data-loading system has been developed under ErdaGIS by Erda Kft. The scanned boiler plans were loaded into it. They clearly show the objects of any partial area. The scanned digital files have been georeferred and structurally digitalized. The elements of any partial area have been grouped into objects in a way that they only contain elements whose surface can easily be calculated. Such elements include profile steel, strap iron as well as simple geometric surfaces. Along with the survey on spot we also took digital photos of the objects. Each object has been fit into the system labelled with their names plus the partial area. Linked to them, open their data sheets that contain the necessary data and the digital pictures. When loading the system, one can be perform any number of calculations (if one wishes, even after entering one single object) concerning the whole surface of the boiler. The object printed after the complete load-in and surface calculation as well as the data sheets summing the data are part of the documentation. The digital drawings have been installed in AutoCAD format together with Access database loaded with surface data and user interface, with the help of which the painting data of the partial areas could be maintained.
Institutions contributing to the project
Electrabel Magyarország Kft.
(headquarters: 2442 Százhalombatta, Csenterics u. 8.)
as customer
Dunamenti Erômû Rt.
(headquarters: 2442 Százhalombatta, Erõmű u. 2.)
as commissioner
ERDA Geodéziai, Térinformatikai, Szolgáltató és Fejlesztô Kft.
(headquarters: 1141 Budapest, Gödöllõi utca 145.)
as contractor-
Solymosi László Electrabel Magyarország Kft.,
tel.:(23) 544 274, (20) 93 74 288
Mikulásik Gábor DE Rt. responsible for corrosion protection,
tel.: (23) 544 265, (30) 20 30 136
E-mail.: ;
Csáki György Erda Kft. managing director,
tel.(20) 953 0255, fax.:(1) 223 2591
E-mail: -
Suggestions on publishing the results and continuing the project:
We would like to publish our results mainly on the Internet i.e. on Erda Kft.'s homepage ( Since several outdoor industrial building may need a similar GIS application that is aimed at surface protection, we would like to use direct marketing and send out e-mails containing links to our website.
Ideas on further improvements: to link the database to AutoCAD graphics not only on a separate field but in a whole institution.