GIS of the Jewish cemetery in Debrecen
The web GIS system of the Jewish Cemetery in Debrecen has been completed.
The system can be accessed by clicking on the link in an external window:
The web GIS system of the Jewish Cemetery in Debrecen has been completed.
The system can be accessed by clicking on the link in an external window:
Our most visited system. 200 daily visitors on average!
The Mayor's Office of Debrecen received the digital survey basemap in DAT exchange format and the corresponding digital aerial photo with resolution of 20 cm. Later it will be expanded with the change management of the regional development plan, too. To manage these and later on to manage and maintain the related data they needed a geographic information system, which can provide this immediately and cost-effectively. That's why they chose Erda Ltd.'s ErdaGIS system. This system is the web query version of ErdaGIS, and it is working continuously since 2008.
This is an ErdaGis system made for the database of the DTTTA (GSSHDCD) - Reconstruction of the Geo-social Structure of Debrecen City in 1870-72 project.
Project duration: 01-05-2010 - 30-06-2013
Lead researcher: Dr. János Mazsu, University of Debrecen (Debreceni Egyetem)
Joined the research: Dr. István Orosz and Péter Forisek University of Debrecen (Debreceni Egyetem)
External expert members of the program:
József Papp Microfilm library of DMJV; György Csáki and Norbert Vásárhelyi Erda Ltd.